
De Nederlandse Tōken Vereniging is in het bezit van een uitgebreide bibliotheek.

Mino to ko Meikan. Sugiura Yoshiyuki.
Mino-to. M.E. Coxx.
Nihon Koto Shi. Dr. Homma Junji.
Nihonto no Kaikata.
Nihonto no Kenkyu to Kansho (Shinto). Tsuneishi Hideaki.
Nihonto no Kenkyu to Kansho (Koto). Tsuneishi Hideaki.
Nihonto Meito 100. Kanzan Sato.
Nihon Meito daizukan. Kanzan Sato.
Nihonto Nyumon. Mitsuo Shibata.
Nihonto Koza. Dr. Homma Junji & Sato Kanzan.
Nihon Toko Jiten. Fujishiro Yoshio & Fujishiro Matsuo.
Nihonto Shokunin Shokudan. Ono Tadashi.
Nyumon Nihonto Zukan. Tokuno Kazuo.
Nihontō to tōsō. Nezu Bijutsukan.
Osafune Choshi Token hen.
Shogakukan, book of books. M. Ozaki & K. Sato.
Shin Nihon To no kantei Nyumon. Hiroi & Iida.
Token Hyakka Nenpyo. Iida.
Token Kakaku Jiten. Iida Kazuo.
Token Kantei Dokuhon. Nagayama Kokan.
(engelse vertaling door Mishina Kenji).
Token Nihon. .
Toko Soran. Kawaguchi Noburo & Iida.
Heianjou Minotomo (Takeshita) Sukemitsu.
Taikei Naotane biografie dl.1. Kataoka Ginsaku.
Taikei Naotane biografie dl.2. Kataoka Ginsaku.
The art of Japanese sword polishing. Takaiwa, Kapp, Yoshihara.
The craft of the Japanese sword. Kapp, Yoshihara.
Modern Japanese swords and swordsmiths. Kapp, Yoshihara.
The new generation of swordsmiths. Tsuchiko Tamio.
The connoisseurs book of Japanese swords. Kokan Nagayama.
Japanese art & handicraft. H.L. Joly en K. Tomita.
The technique of oshigata making. Tokutaro Inuzuka.
Meito no Midokoro Kiwame-Dokoro. Homma Junji.
The Japanese sword. Tatsuo Inoue.
The Japanese sword. Kanzan Sato.
The amurai sword. J.M. Yumoto.
Tanto (+Engelse vertaling). Suzuki.
The Yasukuni swords (Engels). T. Kishida.
Yasukuni-To (Japans). T. Kishida.
apanese swords in the British useum. V. Harris.
The book of the sword. R.B. Caldwell.
Military swords of Japan. R. Fuller en R. Gregory.
Swordsmiths of Japan 1926 - 1945. R. Fuller en R. Gregory.
Shinto Bengi oshigata. W.M. Hawley.
Japanese crafts, materials and their applications. B. Hickman.
The arts of the Japanese sword. B.W. Robinson.
Joly?s list of names and kakihan (= Shosankenshu). H.L. Joly.
Die meister der Japanische schwertzierraten. Shinkichi Hara.
Early Japanes swordguards. Masayuki Sasano.
Zukan Toso no subete, zwaardsierraden.
Japanese sword-fittings & metalworks in the Lundgren collection.
Samurai schwerter und zierate. Galerie Zacke.
Japanese swords in Dutch collections. Han Bing Siong.
Beschrijvingen 1 t/m/ 500. Han Bing Siong.
(1 - 100, 101 - 200, 201 - 300, 301 - 400 ingebonden).
Geschiedenis v.d. 5 daagse strijd in Semarang. Han Bing Siong.
De Naginata. W. Bekink.
Erfenis v.d. Goden. W. Bekink.
De ontwikkeling v.d. Soshu den. H.R. van Doorn.
Verzamelde lezingen dl 1 + 2. Meerdere auteurs.
Verzamelde lezingen dl 3. Meerdere auteurs.
Verzamelde lezingen dl 4. Meerdere auteurs.
Bizen - to dl.1 Ko Bizen . J.M. Bonsel.
Bizen - to dl.2a Osafune. J.M. Bonsel.
Bizen - to dl.2b Osafune. J.M. Bonsel.
Bizen - to dl.3 Yokoyama. J.M. Bonsel.
Bizen - to dl.4 Ichimonji. J.M. Bonsel.
Musashi to, dl.1 Masahide, Hosokawa, Kato. J.M. Bonsel.
Musashi to, dl.2 Hankei, Kaboku, Kaneshige, Hojoji,.
Ishido, Yasutsugu. J.M. Bonsel.
Hizen to Tadayoshi. J.M. Bonsel.
Bingo-to, Mihara school. J.M. Bonsel.
Bungo-to, Takata school. J.M. Bonsel.
Wetenswaardigheden. J.M. Bonsel.
Koshiraesmeden. J.M. Bonsel.
Orando Token Kyokai. J.M. Bonsel.
30 jaar geschiedenis van het Japanse zwaard in Nederland.
Ha watari. J.M. Bonsel.
Japanese Arms & armor (Tokyo 1976).
Oriental Armour. H.R. Robinson.
The armour book in Honcho-Gunkiko. Arai Hakuseki.
Alte waffen und rustungen. Sudwest verlag Munchen.
A glossary of the construction, decoration and use of arms .
and armor in all countries and in all times. G.C. Stone.
Waffen des Orients.
Der dolch und das messer. Schwedische waffensammlervereingung.
Samurai, an illustrated history. M. Kure.
The arts of the Samurai. German sword museum Solingen.
Die kunst der Samurai. German sword museum Solingen.
Die Samurai, ritter des fernen ostens. R. Storry en W. Forman.
Daimyo, seigneurs de la guerre.
The book of the samurai, Hagakure. Tsunetomo Yamamoto.
De strategie v.d. samurai. Miyamoto Musashi.
The samurai, a military history. S.R. Turnbull.
Samurai armys. S.R. Turnbull.
The samurai, Europa military special no.14. Mitsuo Kure en G. Kruit.
De kunst van het oorlogvoeren. Sun-Tzu.
Secrets of the samurai
(a survey of the martial arts of feudal Japan). O. Ratti en A. Westbroo..
Fascinerende Oosterse krijgskunsten. M. Random.
Oosterse vechtkunst. D.F. Draeger en R.W. Smith.
De Oosterse krijgskunst. H. Reid en M. Croucher.
Japanese swordmanship. D.F. Draeger en G. Warner.
Catalogus Aziatische kunst (1998). Veilinghuis Glerum.
Catalogus zomer exhibition (1988). Galerie Ebbe.
Japanse kunst in Rotterdam.
Mon, the Japanese family crest. W.M. Hawley.
The elements of Japanese design,
(a handbook of family crest, heraldry and symbolism). J.W. Dower.
Japanese design motifs. Fumie Adachi.
Atlas van Japan. Colcuh, Jansen, Kumakura.
Mino Toko no Kenkyu. Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel.
Masterpieces of Shinto. Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel.
Kubikiri Asaemon Token Oshigata . Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel.
Edo Shinto Meisaku Shu. Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel.
Swords and Swordsmiths of the Gendaito period: 1868 to 1989. Frederick A. Fimio, Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel.