De Nederlandse Tōken Vereniging is in het bezit van een uitgebreide bibliotheek.
Mino to ko Meikan. | Sugiura Yoshiyuki. | |
Mino-to. | M.E. Coxx. | Nihon Koto Shi. | Dr. Homma Junji. | Nihonto no Kaikata. | Nihonto no Kenkyu to Kansho (Shinto). | Tsuneishi Hideaki. | Nihonto no Kenkyu to Kansho (Koto). | Tsuneishi Hideaki. | Nihonto Meito 100. | Kanzan Sato. | Nihon Meito daizukan. | Kanzan Sato. | Nihonto Nyumon. | Mitsuo Shibata. | Nihonto Koza. | Dr. Homma Junji & Sato Kanzan. | Nihon Toko Jiten. | Fujishiro Yoshio & Fujishiro Matsuo. | Nihonto Shokunin Shokudan. | Ono Tadashi. | Nyumon Nihonto Zukan. | Tokuno Kazuo. | Nihontō to tōsō. | Nezu Bijutsukan. | Osafune Choshi Token hen. | Shogakukan, book of books. | M. Ozaki & K. Sato. | Shin Nihon To no kantei Nyumon. | Hiroi & Iida. | Token Hyakka Nenpyo. | Iida. | Token Kakaku Jiten. | Iida Kazuo. | Token Kantei Dokuhon. | Nagayama Kokan. | (engelse vertaling door Mishina Kenji). | Token Nihon. | . | Toko Soran. | Kawaguchi Noburo & Iida. | Heianjou Minotomo (Takeshita) Sukemitsu. | Taikei Naotane biografie dl.1. | Kataoka Ginsaku. | Taikei Naotane biografie dl.2. | Kataoka Ginsaku. | The art of Japanese sword polishing. | Takaiwa, Kapp, Yoshihara. | The craft of the Japanese sword. | Kapp, Yoshihara. | Modern Japanese swords and swordsmiths. | Kapp, Yoshihara. | The new generation of swordsmiths. | Tsuchiko Tamio. | The connoisseurs book of Japanese swords. | Kokan Nagayama. | Japanese art & handicraft. | H.L. Joly en K. Tomita. | The technique of oshigata making. | Tokutaro Inuzuka. | Meito no Midokoro Kiwame-Dokoro. | Homma Junji. | The Japanese sword. | Tatsuo Inoue. | The Japanese sword. | Kanzan Sato. | The amurai sword. | J.M. Yumoto. | Tanto (+Engelse vertaling). | Suzuki. | The Yasukuni swords (Engels). | T. Kishida. | Yasukuni-To (Japans). | T. Kishida. | apanese swords in the British useum. | V. Harris. | The book of the sword. | R.B. Caldwell. | Military swords of Japan. | R. Fuller en R. Gregory. | Swordsmiths of Japan 1926 - 1945. | R. Fuller en R. Gregory. | Shinto Bengi oshigata. | W.M. Hawley. | Japanese crafts, materials and their applications. | B. Hickman. | The arts of the Japanese sword. | B.W. Robinson. | Joly?s list of names and kakihan (= Shosankenshu). | H.L. Joly. | Die meister der Japanische schwertzierraten. | Shinkichi Hara. | Early Japanes swordguards. | Masayuki Sasano. | Zukan Toso no subete, zwaardsierraden. | Japanese sword-fittings & metalworks in the Lundgren collection. | Samurai schwerter und zierate. | Galerie Zacke. | Japanese swords in Dutch collections. | Han Bing Siong. | Beschrijvingen 1 t/m/ 500. | Han Bing Siong. | (1 - 100, 101 - 200, 201 - 300, 301 - 400 ingebonden). | Geschiedenis v.d. 5 daagse strijd in Semarang. | Han Bing Siong. | De Naginata. | W. Bekink. | Erfenis v.d. Goden. | W. Bekink. | De ontwikkeling v.d. Soshu den. | H.R. van Doorn. | Verzamelde lezingen dl 1 + 2. | Meerdere auteurs. | Verzamelde lezingen dl 3. | Meerdere auteurs. | Verzamelde lezingen dl 4. | Meerdere auteurs. | Bizen - to dl.1 Ko Bizen . | J.M. Bonsel. | Bizen - to dl.2a Osafune. | J.M. Bonsel. | Bizen - to dl.2b Osafune. | J.M. Bonsel. | Bizen - to dl.3 Yokoyama. | J.M. Bonsel. | Bizen - to dl.4 Ichimonji. | J.M. Bonsel. | Musashi to, dl.1 Masahide, Hosokawa, Kato. | J.M. Bonsel. | Musashi to, dl.2 Hankei, Kaboku, Kaneshige, Hojoji,. | Ishido, Yasutsugu. | J.M. Bonsel. | Hizen to Tadayoshi. | J.M. Bonsel. | Bingo-to, Mihara school. | J.M. Bonsel. | Bungo-to, Takata school. | J.M. Bonsel. | Wetenswaardigheden. | J.M. Bonsel. | Koshiraesmeden. | J.M. Bonsel. | Orando Token Kyokai. | J.M. Bonsel. | 30 jaar geschiedenis van het Japanse zwaard in Nederland. | Ha watari. | J.M. Bonsel. | Japanese Arms & armor (Tokyo 1976). | Oriental Armour. | H.R. Robinson. | The armour book in Honcho-Gunkiko. | Arai Hakuseki. | Alte waffen und rustungen. | Sudwest verlag Munchen. | A glossary of the construction, decoration and use of arms | . | and armor in all countries and in all times. | G.C. Stone. | Waffen des Orients. | Der dolch und das messer. | Schwedische waffensammlervereingung. | Samurai, an illustrated history. | M. Kure. | The arts of the Samurai. | German sword museum Solingen. | Die kunst der Samurai. | German sword museum Solingen. | Die Samurai, ritter des fernen ostens. | R. Storry en W. Forman. | Daimyo, seigneurs de la guerre. | The book of the samurai, Hagakure. | Tsunetomo Yamamoto. | De strategie v.d. samurai. | Miyamoto Musashi. | The samurai, a military history. | S.R. Turnbull. | Samurai armys. | S.R. Turnbull. | The samurai, Europa military special no.14. | Mitsuo Kure en G. Kruit. | De kunst van het oorlogvoeren. | Sun-Tzu. | Secrets of the samurai | (a survey of the martial arts of feudal Japan). | O. Ratti en A. Westbroo.. | Fascinerende Oosterse krijgskunsten. | M. Random. | Oosterse vechtkunst. | D.F. Draeger en R.W. Smith. | De Oosterse krijgskunst. | H. Reid en M. Croucher. | Japanese swordmanship. | D.F. Draeger en G. Warner. | Catalogus Aziatische kunst (1998). | Veilinghuis Glerum. | Catalogus zomer exhibition (1988). | Galerie Ebbe. | Japanse kunst in Rotterdam. | Mon, the Japanese family crest. | W.M. Hawley. | The elements of Japanese design, | (a handbook of family crest, heraldry and symbolism). | J.W. Dower. | Japanese design motifs. | Fumie Adachi. | Atlas van Japan. | Colcuh, Jansen, Kumakura. | Mino Toko no Kenkyu. | Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel. | Masterpieces of Shinto. | Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel. | Kubikiri Asaemon Token Oshigata . | Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel. | Edo Shinto Meisaku Shu. | Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel. | Swords and Swordsmiths of the Gendaito period: 1868 to 1989. | Frederick A. Fimio, Geschonken door de heer J.M. Bonsel. |